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How Personal Assistants Can Help Students’ Academic and Daily Living Skills

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How Personal Assistants Can Help Students’ Academic and Daily Living Skills

For many students, balancing their academic and daily living responsibilities can be a challenge. Personal Assistants are becoming increasingly popular for those with special needs who may have academic difficulties and issues performing daily tasks. It allows them to find success both inside and outside of the classroom. There are many ways Personal Assistants can help students’ academic and daily living skills, which leads to a better life overall.

The Disability Office in Further and Higher Education Colleges assesses the requirements of each student and provides the necessary aid based on those needs. Not only do they help to improve their academic performance and daily living skills but they also help to develop their discipline, dedication, and self-confidence.

Academic Support

When it comes to providing effective academic support, colleges must ensure that all students are given equal opportunities to succeed. This includes those with disabilities who may require additional assistance to navigate the challenges of college life. With the right support, they can thrive academically and reach their full potential. Academic Support can be provided by working one on one with those in need of assistance in the form of:

How Personal Assistants Can Help Students' Academic and Daily Living Skills
Identifying strengths and weaknesses
How Personal Assistants Can Help Students' Academic and Daily Living Skills
Creating personalised study plans
How Personal Assistants Can Help Students' Academic and Daily Living Skills
Providing additional instructions

Identifying strengths and weaknesses: They can help with identifying their strengths and weaknesses by working closely together and tracking their progress. Students can then prioritise those areas that require more attention.

Creating personalised study plans: They can improve their study habits through advice and personalised study plans made for success. By tailoring study schedules to the unique needs of each student, they can help them maximise their academic potential while minimising stress.

Providing additional instructions: By supporting them through extra guidance and support, whether it’s breaking down complex assignments, providing a clearer understanding of concepts, or reviewing material before exams, it makes a significant difference in a student’s learning experience.

Servisource has the Right People to support students with their education and daily tasks.

Personal Assistance with Servisource

We can match the right people with the right skills and knowledge with each student every time, to assist with duties such as:
• Retrieving books
• Carrying bags
• Notetaking
• Navigating the campus
• Assisting with personal care

Servisource Education Support provides a range of qualified and experienced Educational Support Workers (ESWs) to support those with disabilities to have equal access and participation in Further and Higher Education Colleges. We provide Academic Personal Assistants (APA’s), Personal Assistants (PAs) and Note Takers (NTs) to individuals who have been allocated these supports by the Disability Office. Servisource has an understanding of their educational needs and is committed to delivering superior professional support nationwide.

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Did You Know?

Figures from the National Access Plan show that 6% of students who accessed disability support in 2020/21 have a physical disability/mobility impairment.  
This demonstrates the importance of a personal assistance in the life of a student.

Daily Living Support

Those with disabilities may face unique challenges in their day-to-day routines. Fortunately, there is a range of daily living support services available on college campuses that can make their lives easier and more manageable. They can help by providing guidance and support in a number of different ways through:

Health and personal assistance
How Personal Assistants Can Help Students' Academic and Daily Living Skills
Self care and personal assistance

Health: As students embark on a busy journey of classes and extracurricular activities, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet can prove to be quite a challenge. That’s where Personal Assistants come in, by providing assistance with food shopping and meal planning. They offer invaluable support to those who may lack the time or knowledge to make healthier life choices.

Transport: It can also involve specialised transportation to campus. This is aimed at providing equal access to educational opportunities and making life easier for the student in general by helping them get to their lecture halls easily and without stress.

Self-care: Students often get caught up in schoolwork and extracurricular activities or may be unable to take care of personal and medical care because of a disability or illness. Special assistants can help with these needs and allow them to focus on their studies knowing that their well-being is taken care of.

How Personal Assistants Can Help Students' Academic and Daily Living Skills

Having this extra layer of support ensures that they are able to make the most out of their time. By offering short-term benefits, they provide more lasting life skills as well. Students will find themselves much better equipped to take on the challenges that lie ahead as it is an invaluable step towards lifelong success.

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