Blog, Charity Work

Servisource turning BLUE for MPS Awareness Day 2017

***MPS Awareness Day***

MPS Awareness Day aims to raise awareness of the rare, genetic mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) diseases. On this day, we support all the children and adults who suffer from MPS and ML by highlighting the disease and we remember those who have passed from it.

Each year in May, Servisources parent company, Cpl, turn BLUE for MPS Awareness Day. The idea is to wear something blue to create awareness of colleague Libby Kelly’s young son Max who suffers from MPS Disease. Last Friday 19th May, staff in Servisource wore something blue in support of Max and those with MPS. The aim was to create awareness in the hope of instigating research and cures.

MPS Awareness Day

Servisource Staff turning blue for MPS Awareness Day

“Max was diagnosed with the rare, progressive degenerative disease MPS (specifically in his case Hunter Syndrome , one of the MPS diseases) when he was just a year old. MPS is a family of 7 diseases which cause progressive damage throughout the body, including the heart, bones, joints, respiratory system, brain and central nervous system. It is a very serious and ultimately fatal disease with most MPS sufferers not reaching their teenage years. Each week Max undergoes a 5 hour IV infusion of a synthetic enzyme which helps to ameliorate some aspects of the disease but it is not a cure. He is doing well right now, however, endures multiple procedures, tests, operations and hospital appointments to help manage the course of the disease. A cure is desperately needed but as the condition is so rare, there is little research focused on the disease. Libby continues to raise awareness in the hope that it will lead to increased interest and knowledge about the disease and ultimately a cure”. 

For more information on MPS Disease or MPS Awareness Day visit: