Servisource is committed to the principle of equal opportunities in employment and aims to maintain the highest possible standards of ethical and moral behaviour in the pursuit of its business objectives. Equal opportunities will be afforded to all employees and applicants for employment alike without regard to gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race or membership of the traveller community.
Servisource operate a strict antibullying and harassment policy and are committed to providing a safe workplace devoid of harm.
Serivsource is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards in its activities as both a recruitment agency and an employer. We are equally committed to fostering an open environment and a culture of full accountability in the workplace.
Servisource is aware of its Corporate Social Responsibility. We have taken steps to become an environmentally friendly and sustainable business. This is highlighted by our recent ISO 14001 accreditation, which is an environmental standard
At Servisource, we believe strongly in ethical principles and good stewardship. We are therefore proud to guarantee that we trade according to the following Ethical Trading Criteria:
- All employment is freely chosen.
- Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
- Child labour is not used.
- Wages are fair and comparable to industry standard and will always exceed the minimum wage.
- Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted.
- Working hours are not excessive.
- No discrimination is practised.
- Regular employment is provided for those who are employed on a permanent contract.
- No harsh, cruel or degrading treatment or practices are allowed.
- No bribery, corruption, blackmailing or bullying is permitted.
We have developed a full policy statement outlining how we expect our practice to develop in order to be able to offer strong guarantees to our customers that the services they receive from us have been ethically designed, managed and implemented.