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Servisource’s Positive Male Role Models

Servisource’s Positive Male Role Models

At Servisource we celebrate our team members, who are not seen as employees but seen as part of the Servisource community. For International Men’s Day (Friday 19th November) we marked the occasion by recognising the positive value men bring to their families, communities and of course the workplace by nominating the Positive Male Role models here in Servisource.

In no particular order here are the Servisource Positive Male Role models as voted by the Servisource team.

David (Davey) Caldwell

Marketing Manager

  • David is always in great form, spreading joy!
  • Davey is such a positive person and always ready to get involved in whatever is required. Always goes above and beyond in what is required from him. He is a lovely person to work with
  • He is always very positive and goes the extra mile to lend a hand, and he’s a great leader to his team.
  • Servisource is Davey’s Second family, you’ll often hear him say this. His passion, motivation, determination and integrity are so evident both personally and professionally.
  • I adore this mans respect, compassion and chivalry for anyone at any level in the business – he really is an all-round gent!

I adore this mans respect, compassion and chivalry for anyone at any level in the business – he really is an all-round gent!

James McGeown

Financial Assistant

  • James is highly committed to his role and the success of Servisource
  • He is a great support, both personally and professionally.
  • He is a great leader within the company and is for many, a go to person when needing help or advice
  • I fully believe there isn’t a problem he can’t solve or make sense of
  • James is a great role model to me
  • He has worked his way up to the position he is in and has served 13 years with Servisource displaying his professionalism, continued support for the company and services we provide

He is a great leader within the company and is for many, a go to person when needing help or advice

Simon Povall

Client Relationship Manager

  • Simon is an all-round lovely guy, he is kind compassionate and very thoughtful
  • Simon encourages me and gives me the tools to do my best, I have learned a lot from Simon
  • He is simply one of a kind

Simon is an all-round lovely guy, he is kind compassionate and very thoughtful.

Brian Feeney

Recruitment Administrator

Brian is very hard working and helpful . He maintains a positive attitude and is very easy to work with

Damien Dillon

Client Care Manager

Damien is a bright and bubbly character and i believe is an excellent role model

Sean McDonnell

CRT Recruitment Admin

Sean is the person others look up to for guidance and support.
His optimism and energy shine through.

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