Servisource Education Support

Workers Information

Who are Servisource?

Servisource Education Support provides appropriately qualified and experienced Educational Support Workers (ESW) to assist individual students with disabilities to equal access and participation during their studies in Further and Higher Education Institutes.

We provide Academic Personal Assistants (PA’s) and Note takers to students who have been allocated these supports by the Disability Office. We recruit, rigorously screen, obtain Garda Vetting and induct our ESWs before appointing them to work with individual students.

The type of support services provided are dependent on the needs of the individual students and are determined through the Needs Assessment process carried out by the Disability Office in Further and Higher Education Institutes.

This Education Support Worker Dedicated webpage outlines some important and useful information in relation to role, responsibilities and expectations. Any questions in relation to the role please contact the Education Support Team on the details below.

Click above to watch a short video on Servisource Education Support

Who do I contact in Servisource?

You can contact your Education Support Team at the following details:

Email:  – 9am to 5pm
Phone: 1800 603 604

Servisource can be contacted on the phone from 7am to 11pm – 7 days a week

Role Guidelines

Servisource in conjunction with Further and Higher Education Institutes have drawn with Guidelines to several support roles. All staff must familiarise themselves with the following guidelines in relation to their role:

Servisource Academic Personal Assistant Role Description and Guidance
Servisource Academic Personal Assistant Role Description and Guidance
Servisource Academic Note taker Role Description and Guidance
Servisource Academic Note taker Role Description and Guidance
Ahead - Education Support Worker Handbook
Ahead – Education Support Worker Handbook

Servisource Employee Handbook

Servisource company policies and procedure are outlined in the Education Support Employee Handbook. Employees will be required to sign a declaration to confirm that they have read and understand this document.

Disability Awareness Training

All staff must complete the Disability Awareness training by clicking on the following link.

Please complete the following form to verify your completion of the Servisource Handbook

ESW Handbook

Confirm completion of Employee Handbook (required)(Required)
I confirm that I have Read and Agree with the Servisource Privacy Policy located at <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>(Required)

Please complete the following form to verify your completion of the Disability Awareness Training document

ESW Disability Awareness Training

Confirm completion of Disability Awareness Training (required)(Required)
I confirm that I have Read and Agree with the Servisource Privacy Policy located at <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>(Required)